Active Project
Oct 6, 2024

Walk to Build

Samandağ, Hatay
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Newsom is on day 52 of his journey from London to Hatay, carrying a torch of hope! On his long path to build an Eco Village in Samandağ, he has already raised nearly £11,000, and he will continue walking until March. The goal is HATAY!  There’s still a long road ahead, but together we can turn this dream into reality!

Currently, he’s between Luxembourg and Frankfurt, following the E3 European Long Distance Walking Path! Did you know you can support Hatay by simply walking alongside him? By completing your daily 10,000 steps, you can do something good for your health and also be part of this great social project!

To those living along the Luxembourg-Frankfurt route! If you'd like to join a part of the walk that suits you, fill out the Google Doc in the bio and our team will get in touch with you! Even if you can’t join, you can still support this inspiring journey by sharing your steps with the hashtag #WALKTOBUILD!

Come on, stand with Newsom, and carry hope to Hatay with your steps!

For more information, please visit the Racso Project website

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