1st Design+Peace Career Day

About the Event
What is a Career Day and Why Do We Organize It?
Career days are important events where students and young professionals have the opportunity to meet with experienced individuals from various fields to receive guidance on their career paths. These events provide participants with the chance to learn more about different professions, gain inspiration, and better evaluate future career options. At Design+Peace, we organize career days to help young people discover their talents and provide them with the right direction, ensuring they are empowered to make a positive impact on society.
In post-disaster regions, we believe it’s crucial to prevent young people from losing hope in education and professionalism. Introducing them to the responsibilities and areas of expertise within different professions, through the success stories of accomplished individuals, is extremely valuable for children’s future aspirations. This not only helps them learn about career opportunities, but also serves as a powerful source of motivation for them to realize their potential.

Our First Design+Peace Career Day Was a Success!
Design+Peace, in collaboration with the Mavi Kelebekler Children’s Rights Community, hosted our first Career Day at the Subaşı Container City Birlikte Güzel space. The event created unforgettable moments for students and inspired them in their career journeys.
During the event, our speakers included:
- Ahmet Kıvanç (Journalist at Habertürk), who shared valuable insights about the societal impacts of journalism and introduced the students to the world of media.
- Lawyers Davut Menki and Şennur Menki, who introduced students to the field of law and answered their questions, guiding them towards potential careers in law.
- Mavi Kelebekler team, who entertained the children with fun face painting while also educating them about health-related topics.
- Architect Ecenur Menki, who shared her knowledge about sustainable design and architecture, inspiring children to think creatively about these fields.
This event aimed to provide the guidance young people need as they step into the professional world. It was a great opportunity for future professionals to discover career options and gain inspiration. We are grateful to all the participants and look forward to hosting more events like this in the future!
An inspiring step towards the future!